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one universe

one vision

peace, justice and prosperity for all

united we shall never fall

The Justicium

The Justicium

The Justicium is our vision for the united human race.

Founded on a new constitution far superior than anything seen before.

With a new structure for leadership that is free of corruption and tyrrany.

And a new financial system that is fair and just to all.

We will ensure every citizen lives a happy and successful life.

For the stronger the invidual, the stronger we are together.

We have laid out the plans but we cannot do this without your help.



Free housing
Free and improved healthcare
Free education
An allowance for food, drink, electricity, utilities and other modern essentials.
Free vehicular transportation. 
An end to all taxation.
Increased wages and rewards based on performanced
Financial support for parents
A clean and sustainable ecosystem
Reduced crime
Recreational substances legalized. Safe, medically-authorized distribution.
Shelter from disasters
A ban on invasive marketing and scams.
Always have your voice heard, with the the ability to vote and make changes to government at any time, not just during elections.
Trustworthy, reliable leadership… who work for the people instead of exploiting them!
A better world for the children of the future to prosper.
We will colonize the vast reaches of space 
And we will never be defeated !

Hi, my name is Tom and I am the founder and leader of the Justicium.

On my life I make these promises to you:

I will never lie to you.

I will always protect you.

I can not be coerced, bribed or intimidated.

I am not motivated by fame or financial gain.

I desire little but the honour of serving you.

I will accept responsibility and make amends for my failures.

I will always endeavour to be a better person.

And if I lead us to war then I will be the first into battle and last to leave.

My life is forfeit for the success of the human race.

Sincerely, Thomas John Exelby, son of Graham and Robyn.