
Earth, 2025 AD.






Across our planet of 8 billion humans, many are suffering.

Almost a billion people suffer from starvation.

Millions are enslaved.

Violence and crime is widespread.

Knowledge and education not available to all.

There are flaws and vulnerabilities in almost every government. Politicians lie, steal, and abuse power for personal profit rather than helping the citizens they work for.

Unhinged greed has led us to a society where those who sell medicine profit from inflicting sickness, and those who sell weapons profit from instigating conflict.

Hard working people pay taxes but the richest avoid it altogether.

With rising costs in rent and very little increase in wages for the majority of workers, it is becoming nearly impossible for people to afford reasonable living conditions, let alone purchase property from those who have already monopolized the market and grow exponentially richer.

Perhaps most troubling of all, our ecosystem is on the verge of collapse.