

All citizens of the Justicium have fundamental rights and privileges.

Citizens actively contributing to our society will receive an enormous array of benefits, including:

  • Free housing
  • Free allocation of land
  • Free essential health products and services
  • Free education, both products and services
  • A free vehicle (license and congestion permitting)
  • Free transportation services
  • Free telecommunication service
  • Free postal service for domestic communication
  • Financially free electricity in areas of surplus renewable energy
  • Free, modern-day essential goods and services (household appliances, furniture, etc.)
  • Free insurance coverage for essential items

In addition:

  • All forms of religious practice is permitted as long it does not harm others.
  • All forms of domestic partnership is permitted as long as it consensual.
  • All forms of recreational substances may be consumed with a valid permit (issued by healthcare professionals).


We want to ensure people can follow their dreams and further their talents rather than feel obligated to work in an unsatisfying career and barely able to survive.

We believe everyone should be able to focus on developing their talents, be proud of their work, and make a good living in any profession.

Happier people. Better workers. Stronger civilization.

In a metaphor similar to Trickle-Down Economics, our Syphon Economy is the general assertion that the harder one works, the more reward they can ‘syphon’ from the pool of Justicium resources.

Of course, some work will naturally be more lucrative because it is more challenging or critical to society, but almost any skill can be turned into a viable career with enough perseverance.

We will distribute wage bonuses based on performance as well as the educational, emotional, and physical requirements of each duty.

This is unique to each and every duty. Here are a few examples:

  • For the food service industry, the bonus may be based on the number of meals served, cleanliness, and average user review.
  • Construction workers will get rewards based on completion time, consistency in quality, and avoidance of error.
  • For logistics, the bonuses are based on successful deliveries within a certain time frame.
  • For an entertainer or artist, the bonus may be based on average user review.
  • For a custodian, rewards are based on the amount of space cleaned and attention to detail.
  • For someone who works on a factory line, the bonus may be based simply on the avoidance of error.
  • Security and armed forces will be rewarded for objectives such as patrols completed, incidents responded to, and many other factors including the emotional, physical, and life-threatening responsibilities they undergo.

We also reward and publicly acknowledge citizens for significant contributions to society outside of their professional obligations, such as assisting in disaster relief, aiding in criminal apprehension, orderly conduct, and other virtuous activities.