

The purpose of the Justicium Identification (JID) is simple: the accurate cataloging of every person, product, service, organization, and other relevant entity in order to improve all aspects of our lives.

With a JID, you only ever need to remember one username and password. It will be tied to all your accounts.

The JID will increases efficiency and security in almost all aspects of our lives. 


The Nexus is to be the primary digital interface of the Justicium, providing access to all core elements of citizenship: banking, career, education, healthcare, social media, and communication.

It wll also serve as a news network, emergency broadcast system, and social media network, providing critical, ad-free and unbiased information regarding your home and the entire Justicium.

From here, you will be able to view the internal actions of the government and have your voice heard.

The Nexus and JID work in conjunction to provide an enormous range of benefits:

  • Secure social media platform
  • Better banking
  • Better healthcare
  • Better education
  • Better career guidance and employment opportunities
  • Improved safety and security for the entire community

Furthermore, Justicium leadership values your privacy and security far more than a corporation ever will. Your information will be safe with us and help us to become better leaders.


The Justicium Treasury is the sole organization responsible for the storage and distribution of valuable resources: financial, mineral, organic, territory, and knowledge.

Natural resources, such as oils and precious minerals, will be distributed equally to nations and municipalities based on population and requisition priority.

With all banking operating as a single entity under direct jurisdiction of government we can eliminate taxation, hinder criminal activity, increase efficiency and improve stability. No longer will private banks profit from your wealth, nor pose a financial risk to nations when their unsecure investments run asunder.

Citizens will also be eligible for significant interest-free loans for expenses such as construction, vehicles, and business expenses.


These are the central hubs for industry and trade. Places to master your craft, help further knowledge in your field, and have your voice heard.

A guild is a union of like-minded people working together in harmony.

With guilds, no one will ever need to be unemployed or without purpose.


A Justicium Paladin is one who fights with the righteous cause to protect all.

The Paladin Core of the Justicium is the conglomoration of all military and police assets on Earth; ground, naval, air, and police forces all working together to operate more effectively.