
The Justicium operates under a unique leadership structure with a focus on efficiency, impartiality and integrity.

There are multiple protocols dedicated to preventing abuse of authority and citizens are able to always have sway over leadership.  

No single person has total control and each member has a specialised role.

In our party structure there are several groups of five leaders working together, called a pentarchy, who are responsible for critical decision making. 

The collective knowledge of five individuals is far greater than one alone, and with five members there can never be a deadlock in decision-making, ensuring a much faster process than traditional party-based structures, where allegiance can infringe on an impartial outcome.

There are also several unique roles where multiple leaders would cause too much infighting over vision and direction and only one member is appointed.


Archons (pentarchy): These are leaders responsible for the general management of municipalities; towns, cities, states and nations. 

Chiefs of Justice (a pentarchy): The role of the Chiefs of Justice is to ensure the security and stability of Justicium, as well as prevent and eradicate all forms of corruption within leadership.  

Sentinels (1 assigned to each member or pentarchy):  Sentinels oversee the actions of all party members and act as enforcers of law & justice, advising and ensuring leadership does not sway from moral obligation. They report solely to the Chiefs of Justice.

Chiefs of Industry (one pentarchy per industry): Professionals dedicated to management in their field.

Chief Treasurers (one pentarchy per municipality) : Responsible for overseeing commerce and resource management.

Chief Architect (1 per municipality): Responsible for civic planning and construction.

Chief Orator (1 per language): Spokespeople responsible for delivering information to the people.

Emissaries: who act as a representative of the Justicium, engaging in diplomacy with foreign entities.

Deputies: who train under leadership and can be employed in the event of an emergency. 

Liaisons: who facilitate effective communication between leadership entities.

As well various assisting personnel.

All valuable members of a well-functioning and diversely skilled team



The instating of leadership is more akin to commercial hiring practises. 

Any citizen with minimum qualifications may apply for a position and application is approved by the Chiefs of Justice.

Given the importance of these roles, leaders must exhibit exemplary expertise in their assigned fields as well as uncompromisable integrity.


We have opted for another unique approach to the dismissal and appointment of leadership.

At any given time, the Chiefs of Justice can dismiss other members of Justicium leadership, be it due to incompetence, corruption or other due cause.

In addition, citizens can always express their satisfaction with the whole party and individual members on a scale of 1 to 5. If overall satisfaction drops below 50% leadership is immediately dismissed.